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In your pom.xml you must define the dependencies to Pippo artifacts and you can do this in two modes.

If you want to use pippo-core together with standard modules (Jetty, Freemarker - Jetty as default embedded web server and Freemarker as default template engine) you must add below lines in your pom.xml file:


For a concrete example see pom.xml file from pippo-demo folder.

On the other hand Pippo is write with modularity in mind.
For example if you want the default template engine (Freemarker) in your project, you can add the dependency to this in your pom.xml:


If you feel comfortable with other template engines (Jade, Mustache, Pebble, Trimou, ThymeLeaf, …) you must add the dependency to that pippo module if it exists or to create a new (pippo) module that add that template engine in pippo framework.

Also if you want to use the default servlet engine (Jetty) in your project, you can add the dependency to this in your pom.xml:


where ${pippo.version} is the last Pippo version.

You may want to check for the latest released version using Maven Search

Also you can use the latest SNAPSHOT via the Sonatype Maven Repository:
