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Pippo can be used together with CDI, using Weld as the implementation mechanism.
When Pippo creates new instances of your various Controller subclasses it delegates the instance creation to a ControllerFactory. The module pippo-weld contains WeldControllerFactory that it’s a ControllerFactory implementation that delegates to the Weld container to instantiate a given Controller class. This allows for the instance to be configured via dependency injection.

An example of such a Controller subclass could look as follows:

public class ContactsController extends Controller {

    private ContactService contactService;

    public void index() {
        List<Contact> contacts = contactService.getContacts()
        getResponse().bind("contacts", contacts).render("contacts");


Pippo automatically creates the ContactsController instance and pippo-weld injects the ContactService service bean, so basically you don’t have to worry about any of that stuff.

To activate pippo-weld integration in your Application you must register WeldControllerFactory and extend from ControllerApplication instead:

public class MyApplication extends ControllerApplication {

    protected void onInit() {
        Weld weld = new Weld();
        WeldContainer container = weld.initialize();

        // registering WeldControllerFactory
        setControllerFactory(new WeldControllerFactory(container));

        // add controller
        GET("/", ContactsController.class, "index");        

For our demo project the ContactService bean was available in the parent maven module so a Producer was required. For this a utility class was necessary.

public class WeldBeanProducer {

    public ContactService contactService() {
        return new InMemoryContactService();


Don’t forget to add pippo-weld as dependency in your project:


You can see a demo here